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Here are some games I have been working on, and also some accolades from players around the world: 

Last submission for My First Game Jam 2021 using FMOD and Unity Audio Engine. 

"You took on a huge challenge trying to finish a mystery game like this in seven days. What you have managed to complete is very impressive. The audio is a really standout feature for me in terms of creating a spooky ambience." (What the Hole)

"Everything was thought out well and I loved the dialogues with NPCs. The audio made me instantly realize this was a mystery game XD."(What The Hole)

" ..Nicely done. The TTS briefing was a pretty good idea by the way :) it almost fooled me too, the radio crackles were a nice touch."  (Pixel Commando)




"I can't wait for more!"(In The Doghouse)

"The stereo sound is actually pretty cool!" (Plumbing)

"It's so soothing and satisfying! Its so relaxing, even when you loose :) (I love the sizzle sound when you get hurt)" (Plumbing)


"The character and art style were good and I enjoyed the music a lot though! Nice job! :)" (Breaking Point)

"...Overall this game was fun to play and great music :D" 

(Breaking Point)

"Hi. I played your game for some good minutes just because you did a great job with your music." 

(Breaking Point)

"Gotta say I loved this. The graphics, animation were superb. This is also my second only Jam so I feel we have a common vibe. The audio also went well with the game. Great job!" (Breaking Point)

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